If you are tasked with the duty of hosting the holidays this year, we have a few tips as far as stocking your home bar goes. Here are some of our top tips for a perfect home bar that will keep you at the top of your hosting game throughout the season.
First, stock up. Here are my must-haves for a home bar. If the weather is cooler, I suggest having more brown liquor on hand. But, in the summer, clear liquor tends to be more popular. Add beer (regular and light varieties); white and red wines; champagne; mixers, soda, and sparkling water; ice in a bucket; shakers, a bottle opener, and a fine hand towel; cut lemons and limes; and nuts (pecans in winter; roasted or boiled peanuts in summer). And, I never forget linen cocktail napkins!
I first and foremost greet guests, and offer them a drink as they enter. I have found that getting a beverage in guests hands first, before food, before anything else. It doesn’t matter what—liquor, tea, seltzer—giving someone something to hold always makes them relax
And, a bar is always a spot for decor. Quaint mixer or seltzer bottles make a sea of liquor bottles look more personal.. or if you have a decanter collection, use them! Or, mix your glassware… bring out what you have been collecting over the years. And cute handwritten tags or signs are always a nice way to bring in personal details.
I never want to run out of anything, so I usually have one bottle of the basics then backup seconds stashed away.
Also, make sure to keep an eye on the ice bucket and refill as needed. Same goes for lemons and limes.

And, so that you can actually play hostess, ask guests their drink preference, serve them the first one, then show them the bar so they can pour their own thereafter.
Since, some friends like to drink champagne or wine exclusively throughout the night, Lettered Olive’s drink collars are a fun addition and way to keep drinks straight.
Happy Holidays and bar tending!