Mar 04, 2025
Mama Soiree in Minneapolis

For those that don’t know, we refer to Tara as “mama soiree”… Well, we turned her loose this week and put her in the hands of Liz Banfield our ever faithful photographer where they were on a whirlwind of appearance on local television stations, the local chapter of NACE’s montly meeting, and an appearance at the Monique Lhullier salon… Here are some photos from their adventures:


Tara and Liz on KARE (local tv network) reviving a favorite table setting from one of the weddings in the new book


Tara on another local TV network talking about “What’s Hot and What’s Not” in wedding trends


Tara presenting at the Greater Minneapolis NACE luncheon- she will be presenting the program at the Charleston Chapter’s upcoming Feb. NACE meeting, look out for more details…


Liz took Tara over to the Guthrie,  a very cool event space looking over the cityguthrie-center

The bride that Tara is pointing to is the one that tragically collapsed a couple of years ago, and has now been rebuilt.


Tara and Liz before the in store Monique Lhullier salon appearance


All the ladies of the Minneapolis Monique Lhullier salon

Here are some of Tara and Liz’s favorite shots from the Walker Art Center:


what a great design idea- these are place mats hung from the ceiling!


I love this Modern sculpture in the background jetting out of this blanket of snow, very dreamlike, and we never see snow like this in Charleston!

And, for more blog reading from Minneapolis, check out The Wedding Guys who blogged on the new Weddings book by Tara…

Small “blog” World…


I always love reading Style Court’s blog, but when I recently saw two of our favorite friends on there- interior designer, Angie Hranowsky and photographer Squire Fox and a lifestyle session they did together, I was pumped! Go to stylecourt to read more… I love this shot of Angie’s daughter, LouLou.



Angie Hranowsky has also recently opened a new office (along with Julia Lynn photography and Stacy Bradley of Perla Anne in Downtown Charleston…I can’t wait to see it in person, but here is a preview shot to oogle…


I’ve also really enjoyed some of the other blogs out there posting about their finds at the New York Gift Show, since were also there collecting ideas… Some of my favorite so far have been:



Sneak Peek

We are delighted to have received our new Tara Guerard Soiree collateral… Amy and Courtney at Stitch Design Co. put our vision on paper, literally…Check out the images from their recent blog post.  It’s hard to see in the photo, but the back of the cards is an amazing champagne metallic flocking- soooo dreamy!


Where are We This Week?

Tara and I are off to Athens, Ga today for Tara’s appearance tomorrow with the Athens Garden Club.. We will be at Appointments at Five tomorrow at 1:00pm, please come by and get your book signed!

Appointments at Five
1730 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, Georgia 30606


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