Mar 04, 2025
It’s all in the packaging

Company branding, packaging, and presentation is always a source of inspiration for us in both designing events and working with those specific companies… I wanted to share some things I’ve seen and loved lately!


This is Squire Fox’s new logo for his wedding photography venture… We already love his work, but love the new super stylish look to match!


I recently bought a pair of Toms shoes, and their entire website and company mission is inspiring!


A local Charleston Chocolatier, John Battles with Sweetteeth, has some completely unexpected flavors (like Chipotle and Lime, and Jalapeno Pineapple White Chocolate), but the packaging is so cute you want try them!



One of other favorite photographers, Adrienne Page, has ventured into the custom photo album world with her company, Velvet Raptor.  These are so amazing and luxurious, you will have no problem displaying them anywhere in your home!


Not only do they have fabulous packaging, they have an entire section devoted to wedding and special event cocktail tips on their website.

Weddings in the Outside World


We all know the power the media has, so it’s great to see when the wedding topic branches outside of bridal media into mainstream world.. like this recent article on The Huffington Post.

Tara’s Tidbits

Since Bloody Mary’s are one of my favorite daytime cocktails to enjoy, I would like to consider myself an expert at them!  I have to admit that I find my recipe to be the best, so I’m happy to share it!

Tara Guerard’s Bloody Mary Recipe

1.5 oz. premium vodka
6 oz. tomato juice
1 tablespoon prepared Horseradish
Dash Worcestershire
Dash of Tabasco sauce
Dash Lemon juice (preferably fresh squeezed)
Dash Celery salt
Fresh cracked black pepper – to taste
One Teaspoon fresh chopped Dill
Garnish with pickled okra or pepperocini and enjoy!

While we’re talking about booze… I love this recent article from Food and Wine Magazine… I’ve often talked about the “members only” sale websites that focus mostly on designer fashions, luxurious trips, and beautiful home goods, but here are some devoted to the grapes!




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