Jan 31, 2025
Tete-a-Tete Tuesday- Carolyne Roehm

Carolyne Roehm has long been known as one of the country’s leading tastemakers, both in fashion and interior design.  Before, starting her own fashion house, she worked with Oscar de la Renta and was the President of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. As an author of a dozen books on floral design, interiors, and entertaining her expertise has generated a loyal following.  A consummate hostess, Carolyne hosted a lovely affair for the Historic Charleston Foundation’s 12th Annual Antique Symposium at her new Charleston home (you can view this project here). We go tete-a-tete with her below.


Favorite drink before noon?

Lots of black coffee to start and then I switch to cappuccino—alas the Italians would

think I am a philistine as I drink it after 11:00 a.m.

Favorite drink at 6pm?

Red Wine

Wine: red, white or champagne

All- I do not discriminate, but red is the favorite.

Hors d’ouerve that is always in the cabinet or fridge?

The salt and pepper peanuts that you all have down here—and Petit Basque in the


Music go to when friends are over…. i.e. Pandora station?

I use my own play lists and depends on my mood sometime it Earth Wind and Fire or

Verdi’s Requiem….the range is huge but depends on the mood and the occasion

Where would you like to go on vacation?

That also depends on my mood. I have had a desire recently to go back to Japan it has

been so many years since I was last there. I have been 7 times to India and could go

again and again. In 2016 I am going to Australia….this list is endless

Favorite flower?

An almost impossible question– as you know they are the subject of many of my books

and will feature prominently in my new garden book that will be out next October. I

really can’t choose—- the immediate response are my roses and peonies but I adore all

of my tulips and now of course my new favorite flower- now that I have a garden here

is the Camellia —I am totally mesmerized by their incredible variety and beauty. In

fact I am doing a post on my blog at carolyneroehm.com just on the extraordinary reds

ones in my garden right now. They are dazzling

Dream guest to have over for dinner?

At this moment I would like to meet the song composer David Foster and your own Pat


Favorite restaurant?

 Are we speaking of the World or Charleston? Or is that one and the same? If in NYC

Sette Mezzo and Charlestonin the one we frequent the most is the Bar at Snob—great

food and great value. In the world it is a small place in Florence Vini Vecchi e Sapori—

And favorite thing to eat at this restaurant?

At Setto white truffles in season over pasta, At Snob what ever the fish of the day is and

at Vini EVERYTHING!!!!!



Carolyne’s “blue and white” books have inspired many of our brides…








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