Feb 27, 2025
Wedding Wednesday- Bride’s Best Friend

Other than the wedding planner, mother of the bride, and bridesmaids, the person who the bride can most count on would be her “bride’s aid”. What is a “bride’s aid” you ask?  We are lucky enough to have the best in the biz right here in Charleston- Cacky Rivers of Cacky’s Bride Aid.



Cacky’s top 5 essentials are Double Sided sticky tape, a sewing kit, tissues, breath mints, and bobby pins..


We asked Cacky questions we thought every bride needs to know!

Is there an item that you use in an unexpected way?
I use double sided sticky tape to hold shoe straps in place so they dont slide…works like a charm
What was the biggest disaster you’ve encountered and how did you solve it?
I had a brides lace sleeve tear about 20 min before the ceremony. Thank goodness I always have my “essentials” with me…and took care of it with about 8 minutes to spare.
Any secrets or tips for brides?
The biggest thing I come across is the bridal party. It is key to have to “right” people surround you on your day. Choose them wisely…they can make or break your day!
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