Mar 03, 2025
A Photographer’s Passion


We are so proud and thrilled to introduce the passion project of our friend, photographer, Lucy Cuneo.  We asked Lucy to talk to us about her new line of fine art floral photography where she walks us through her process and the beginning of an idea.


“I am so pleased to be able to introduce our Fine Art Flower Series; it has been absolutely amazing to realize this vision which has been stuck in my head for a number of years.   I graduated with a masters in photography from SCAD in 2012 and have wanted to expand our wedding photography business to include Fine Art for quite some time; I was of course so nervous to release these and am totally overwhelmed by their reception, I cannot wait to share more.”


“As a photographer, I am particularly interested in texture and color.  This series is an exploration of natural abundance; using traditional photographic film has afforded the images a greater depth, softness and sense of luxury, all which are necessary to create inviting, cloud-like images.  Armed with only my cameras and a vision, I reached out to Kiana Underwood of Tulipina Designs; her appreciation of color I truly admire and she was invaluable in bringing this series to life.”


“The photographs really shine in their largest size — 36×48.  The idea of the series was to fill a frame with life-size flower “heads” and have it be an unmatched sea of color and beauty.  “Charlotte Rose” our first piece is a 9 foot installation which we put together our first day in San Francisco.  We hammered out the series in three long days in a natural light studio there; I am so grateful to Kiana Underwood of Tulipina, and her team, for their efforts in helping to achieve these shots that bring us so much joy. It’s only the beginning, we have so much more to come!!”


To add a print to your home or see more head over Lucy’s  print shop.

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