Category Archives: Etiquette

A little while ago, I went on the Pickler and Ben show to talk DIY table top ideas… So excited to finally be able to share the video with you!  Hope you enjoy… Let us know what you think…

1.16.18   |   TARA GUÉRARD
Entertaining, Etiquette, Event Design, Flowers, Food and Drink, Parties, Spotted!, Videos | Comments >>
Jan 09, 2018

Tara Guerard SoireeI find people always asking for easy entertaining at home tips- especially on quantities or what to sere at the bar. Entertaining at home is a cinch if you have the right guidelines to follow! Here are my recommendations based on a four hour party for about 20 guests.

You’ll need:

7 bottles of white wine- it’s nice to offer a couple of different varietals as well a Chardonnay (I suggest Rombauer) and a Sauvignon Blanc (like Oyster Bay).

3 bottles of red wine- I prefer red so I will drink year round, but not a bad idea to double up here in the colder months.

30 bottles of beer- I like Stella Artois – and I do like to pour/serve in glasses

1 750 mil bottle of Vodka- I enjoy Tito’s

1 750 mil bottle of Gin, Rum, and/or Tequila. 

1 liter bottle (or if a few of the guests are known to imbibe, add 1 more) of whiskey, bourbon, or scotch. There is a new scotch that I am loving… the bottle is pretty enough to be on display as well!


Tara Guerard SoireeIf you are going to have a self serve bar, you can always dress it up by using your decanters, pitchers, or other vessels and have tags identify each liquor.

For accoutrements you’ll need- (13-15) 12 oz bottles of your favorite mixers including Ginger Ale, Club Soda and Tonic. We have a local tonic made here that is divine- Jack Rudy. (3) 2 liter bottles of soda, (1) 2 liter of diet soda, 20 pounds of ice. And, precut your fruit and serve in a pretty bowl.

Tara Guerard SoireeI think it’s a nice touch to have bar snacks for guests as well, in case they end up in a conversation over cocktail refreshing.

Tara Guerard SoireeI suggest for glassware that you have a standard high ball that you can use for cocktails and beer. As well as wine glasses ( you can use something fun and if it’s casual and the wine isn’t from your best collection you can use the same glasses for all), and champagne if serving.


Tara Guerard SoireeYou’ll also need about 250 paper cocktail napkins ( is a great resource), or if you have a collection of linen cocktail napkins, break those out. And custom drink stirrers would really wow your guests! I favor these from Lettered Olive.

Lucy Cuneo photo/Tara Guerard SoireeAnd, if you can really splurge, it’s nice to have a bartender so that guests don’t have to lift a finger!

1.09.18   |   TARA GUÉRARD
Charleston, Entertaining, Etiquette, Events, Food and Drink, Parties, Shopping, Stationery, Invitations and Pretty Papers, The Lettered Olive, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Paperwhite centerpiece/Tara Guerard/Corbin Gurkin

I love having simple blooms throughout the house during the holidays. These paperwhites are a favorite and can make a great centerpiece or focal point for entry tables, buffets, mantles, bar tables, and more. They typically take about 4 weeks to bloom, so we’re showing you how so that they are good and ready for your holiday home. Thank you to Corbin Gurkin for the photos.

Paperwhite centerpiece/Tara Guerard/Corbin Gurkin

Gather your supplies- You’ll need a container of some kind, make sure it’s something fairly sturdy or solid that can hold the weight. I like to use these black river rocks to anchor the bulbs and give the roots something to grow around- but you could use anything you may have or what’s available at the craft store (glass beads, granite rocks or pea gravel). The plants can topple a bit once they start growing, so the anchors are key. And, I do polish off the top with some moss to hide all of the parts.

Paper white centerpiece/tara guerard soiree/ corbin gurkin

Set your “anchors” in the bowl or vessel you have chosen and arrange as many bulbs as will fit on top of the anchors with the sprout opening facing upwards. Be sure to give it a good watering, but only until the water reached right below the base of the bulb. If the bulbs sits in water for long they can rot. Check water levels frequently, and water when water gets about an inch below the rocks. Be sure to keep the planting in a cool darker place out of direct sunlight.

Paperwhite centerpiece Tara Guerard/ Corbin Gurkin

Finally, cover with the moss to hide the bulbs, rocks, and roots. They should take take root within about 3 weeks at which point they should moved to where they can get sunlight. Viola!  I find that a centerpiece is often forgotten when you are hosting as you are setting tables, grocery shopping and preparing food, and hosting your guests. This is something you can do now and set and forget! Or, that’s always something you can ask and offering guest to bring instead of a bottle of something.  Happy Holidays!

11.28.17   |   TARA GUÉRARD
Entertaining, Etiquette, Flowers, Gifts, Parties, Uncategorized | Comments >>