Jul 27, 2024
Biscuits, Bloodys, and a Book Signing


We loved having Lela Rose in town for Charleston Wedding Week. I’m a big fan of her designs, and she’s a fellow Southerner! In order to celebrate the release of her new book- Pret-A-Party we decided to throw a Biscuits, Bloodys, and Book Signing party in her honor. Love having Friday a.m. parties now, going to make it my new thing!

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Perfect for a ladies’ brunch, little Callie’s Biscuits in a variety of flavors- ham, jam, and cinnamon.

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We set up a Do-It-Yourself Bloody Mary bar with every addition you could think of- peppers, pickled okra, shrimp skewers, even bacon slices. For those needing to go back to work we had a juice bar with fruit and veg garnishes as well. Just putting in simple containers with nice signage makes for a lovely focal point.

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Of course, it’s not a party without the pups- Georgia girl was there, and our new Soiree pup, Ruthie… She was a big hit with Lela!

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